Month: August 2018
My take on food fibs
This week, I spotted a story in a local Scottish newspaper on a recent survey by pesto manufacturers, Sacla, into the lies parents tell children about their food. Apparently, more than half of Scottish mums surveyed admitted to being economical…
Feeding kids in a foreign country: How I made overseas travel work for my picky eater.
Erica Noble is a teacher, Mum and Family Food Educator, based in Tasmania I invited her to share her insights from a recent trip to India, after she posted about it in Parenting Picky Eaters, the Facebook group I co-run with…
How to recognise (and move out of) a negative snack cycle
As a therapist, I am really interested in why we approach feeding in certain ways; in the beliefs, thoughts and feelings that drive our actions. This article is not about why I don’t recommend a grazing pattern of feeding children…
The conundrum of rolling mealtimes in Early Childhood Education settings when you are an advocate of Division of Responsibility!!
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]New Zealand-based Anya Bell is a nursery cook with a background as a professional chef and a passion for training childcare professionals in facilitating a supportive mealtime environment. She is all about real food and promoting curious…