Month: May 2019
Cooking with ‘picky eaters’
Cooking with children is a really lovely thing to do because not only is it an opportunity for some fun times together, it also gives your child a sense of awe and achievement when they see what they have made….
Help – my child has suddenly stopped eating: what you need to know about PANS and PANDAS
There are many different causes of feeding problems, some relatively commonplace and some less so. Recently, a new type of feeding challenge has come onto my radar – sudden onset food avoidance related to an autoimmune response after an infection….
Eight reasons to use a visual menu for your ‘picky eater’
In this article, I’m going to share a strategy which can help enormously with food anxiety: the visual menu. What is a visual menu? A visual menu is a method of communicating to your child what you will be serving…
Beyond reason: why rational arguments do not support children’s eating
You are rational – I am rational (please don’t ask my husband and kids to verify this). We make the odd ‘heart over head’ decision and it’s great to listen to intuition too, but largely, as adults, we make most…