Together, we’ve got this!

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Feeding is multi-disciplinary. I take a psychological approach to feeding, focusing on the feeding relationship and how children (and parents!) feel, think and behave in relation to food. But what if a child is struggling with chewing and swallowing? What if a child is missing important nutrients or has sensory processing challenges? Just as a dietitian will not have the same the ability as a counsellor, to help parents explore tricky emotional territory (counselling is my professional training and background), I am not in a position to tell a parent whether or not a child is lacking iron in their diet or needs help learning chewing skills.

This means that professionals not already working in the context of a feeding team, very often need to refer to their colleagues – to get expert input in a number of areas in order to provide holistic help to a family.

Sadly, in many countries, it’s really hard to get a referral to a feeding clinic. In the UK, which does not primarily use an insurance-based system to deliver healthcare, private support can be very expensive and free support, hard to access. As a practitioner in private practice, my waiting list is always several months long – it makes me really frustrated that I can’t help more families and I hate making clients wait a long time to work with me.

So – in collaboration with two awesome women who I count not just as colleagues, but as friends, I have tried to address some of these issues. To recognise that a comprehensive approach to supporting families of ‘picky eaters’ involves several specialisms AND to make that help affordable to those who need it. No waiting list, no high fees.

We’re calling our new venture ‘Your Feeding Team’: a non-judgmental space for parents where you can learn all about how to help your child and get tons of access to wide-ranging professional support from us. This is not an alternative to face-to-face medical advice, but we are able to share evidence-based good practice, drawing on our professional expertise, in a way that is both accessible and practical. Your Feeding Team is also about community. You will be part of an exclusive facebook group where you will find support and understanding not just from us, but from other parents like you.


Let me introduce the team

We are all parents ourselves, and have all worked in feeding for many years. We have loads in common but also have complimentary specialisms which when combined, allow us to really help families move forward with their children’s eating.

Based in London – via New York – Russian born Natalia Stasenko is a registered dietitian and child nutritionist. I love Natalia’s down to earth approach. She is well versed in all the theoretical and technical aspects of feeding children but she also totally gets what it’s like feeding your child on a day-to-day basis. Not only is Natalia a leading expert on childhood nutrition, she is also an international speaker and has written extensively in the media on feeding children. You can learn more about Natalia from her website, Feeding Bytes.

Simone Emery, who many of you may already know because we co-run the facebook group Parenting Picky Eaters is all the way over the other side of the world in Australia. I love how we work closely together because, despite being separated by almost ten thousand miles, we are very close together in terms of our values and how we approach feeding. Simone is a children’s nutritionist and also writes and speaks extensively on childhood feeding challenges. She is experienced in the feeding therapy space and is my go-to expert on sensory issues and oral motor challenges. Learn more about Simone by visiting her site, Play With Food Australia.


Your Feeding Team is a membership site where, for just 9$ / month, you get:
  • Access to our introductory video course which teaches you all the feeding basics, helping you tackle ‘picky eating’ step-by-step
  • An invitation to join a private facebook group where we will regularly be answering your questions
  • Access to a ton of feeding resources from all three of us, like webinars and video-lessons

We’ll be your virtual feeding team, helping you with compassion, without judgment and with a real-world understanding of what it is like to be parent struggling with feeding a child. We are all about working with you – really, you are the fourth member of the team! Because we recognise that no-one knows your child as well as you do but that sometimes you need others to walk alongside you and provide a little guidance. Click here to find out more and to be kept in the loop so you can sign up when we’re live. Together, we’ve got this.

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