Your food legacy

Not funny

Sorry, not funny.

In recent months, I’ve seen several videos being shared on Facebook which are edited clips of young children refusing food. I’m not going to share any links as I don’t want to give them any more exposure than they already…

Together we've got this

Together, we’ve got this!

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.9″] Feeding is multi-disciplinary. I take a psychological approach to feeding, focusing on the feeding relationship and how children (and parents!) feel, think and behave in relation to food. But what if a child is struggling with…

Good Enough

The ‘good enough’ parent, the ‘good enough’ meal…

When my eldest daughter (now on the brink of teenage-dom) was a baby, I was studying for my Masters in counselling. I know – crazy – I enrolled when I was pregnant and had no idea what being a mother…

Your food legacy

What does your food legacy look like?

Maybe you have your dad’s eyes… maybe you have your maternal grandma’s amazing way with words… I know there are lots of my traits I can trace back to my parents and even my grandparents. But it’s not just our…

Taking care of you

Taking care of you

When we are grappling with how to support our child, this can be all-consuming. We look into different strategies, we read books and do online research so we can learn more about what to do. We get in touch with…


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